I cooperated with AI to write this story.
Artificial Intelligence algorithm is a great help in the sequence of repetitive actions. I’ve already seen photo retouching AI software in action and the results were quite satisfying. However, we are still concerned if an artificial mind can be as efficient in creative tasks. I discovered there is a range of writing software and decided to give it a try.
On the other hand, the AI industry around the world is booming. And in China, many people are interested in artificial intelligence technology. The Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) in China announced that artificial intelligence will be a hot trend this year.
There are many examples of artificial intelligence applications in our life today.
But let’s focus on creative writing. Ai will create content for you.
Unlike algorithm-based actions, this task seems very difficult to AI. Until now, the most interesting thing is that AI do not have any ideas about creativity. It is still difficult for AI to come up with the content of stories. It’s hard to tell what’s a story, right?
However, I think artificial intelligence algorithm has some ways to solve this problem. How it works? Basically, you start the paragraph and Shortlyai continues it.
Normally, it would take me around half an hour to write this amount of text I’ve just done in 5 minutes using Shortlyai.